So fast Friday already! Been so busy lately. Spent the week being ultimately productive. In the middle of supervising the project of relocating my office. After hours of moving tons and tonnes of boxes, averaging around 100boxes, each at 25 kilo times by no. of workers ... the formulation only equates to tiredness and muscle soreness. Not to mentioned the little movements of bending down, kneeling, pushing trolleys weighing more than a cow and the uploading and loading factor.
Anyway, Happy Wesak day to all my readers. Cannot believe I have to skip my temple visit for work but nevertheless I know he would not mind and still bless me with good luck and health! Hehe.
Will keep more updates coming perhaps in class tomorrow! Haha
The electronic contents of me, myself, my life, my love life, my friends, my likes, dislikes, my music, my story, my ramblings, my movies and everything else that matters
Friday, May 28, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Donating Blood
Back in Op Management class after my first experience in donating blood. Had my arm punctured and donated a whole bag of blood in a temple. LOL. Actually I had this planned a long time ago and only managed to get this done lately. The process is actually quite easy! Just to share some of my experience:
1. Eat before your donation
2. Do not take any medications for the past 24 hours
3. Have a good nice sleep
4. Drink plenty of fluids
5. Make sure you know what you are doing
6. People who exercise regularly will have almost no effect after donating blood
7. Remember to relax, breath and pump your arm to fasten the flood transfer (just joking)
Me trying to look chill and cool before the needle poking
Quite alot of people ... should be good and fun
Needle poking time! Painless thanks to experienced nurses
Am proud that many people donated blood.
Keep'em pumping and it doesn't look that complicated afterall
Chair's much more comfortable too compared to those in MBA classes

In less than 10 min, it's done ... and I got my blood passport a nice stamp. Haha
There's only 1 dilemma I faced when filling my form. I lied about a clause that obviously discriminate sexual preferences, sex activities and so forth. Honestly, my objective is only to donate blood. Since the blood we donated is going to get "rounds" of testing (as disclaimer states in the donation form), go ahead and reject mine after that and not based on some preliminary judgmental requirements. I seriously think that statement should be permanently removed. As if anyone cares.
Thou shall not subject and conform to human standards and expectations that will hinder the act of saving lives.
1. Eat before your donation
2. Do not take any medications for the past 24 hours
3. Have a good nice sleep
4. Drink plenty of fluids
5. Make sure you know what you are doing
6. People who exercise regularly will have almost no effect after donating blood
7. Remember to relax, breath and pump your arm to fasten the flood transfer (just joking)
Me trying to look chill and cool before the needle poking
Quite alot of people ... should be good and fun
Needle poking time! Painless thanks to experienced nurses
Am proud that many people donated blood.
Keep'em pumping and it doesn't look that complicated afterall
Chair's much more comfortable too compared to those in MBA classes

In less than 10 min, it's done ... and I got my blood passport a nice stamp. Haha
There's only 1 dilemma I faced when filling my form. I lied about a clause that obviously discriminate sexual preferences, sex activities and so forth. Honestly, my objective is only to donate blood. Since the blood we donated is going to get "rounds" of testing (as disclaimer states in the donation form), go ahead and reject mine after that and not based on some preliminary judgmental requirements. I seriously think that statement should be permanently removed. As if anyone cares.
Thou shall not subject and conform to human standards and expectations that will hinder the act of saving lives.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Ms Pretentious Bitch Bday
I am bored at class. We are talking about human resource and how it relates to operation management. It is quite interesting because apparently, operation management is like a huge-detailed-summary of business, consisting HR, Finance, Marketing and you know whatever that you can relate to a business department...
So, I've decided to stay awake by blogging about celebrating Ms Pretentious Bitch's birthday two nights ago. Asked Ms. White and Ms. Green out but as usual, they are always tied up with either work, church or love life. Fortunately Ms Purple tag along and made the outing a lot funnier, exciting and of course, the bits of drama that exploded was hillarious.
We were at Canteen @ PJ Trade Center (weird name, but beautiful building!!!) and moved onto desserts at TGIF.

Birthday Girl ... She look damn nice in this picture.

Me and my stare. Love the desserts thou!
Two of my favourite pictures:

Thursday night. Cannot believe I spent the night chatting away with them. Hmm. Yeap, post-dated post.
Back to studies. Listening to lecturer, writing notes, analyzing practical-theories and relating it to case studies could be very tiring for straight 6 hours in a row. The 30minutes break doesn't work. I really hope we will get classes that have more group discussions, group debates and perhaps some scene of cat fight to spice things up.
Lemongrassboy believe he will be watching TV series when it comes to Business Law unit.
So, I've decided to stay awake by blogging about celebrating Ms Pretentious Bitch's birthday two nights ago. Asked Ms. White and Ms. Green out but as usual, they are always tied up with either work, church or love life. Fortunately Ms Purple tag along and made the outing a lot funnier, exciting and of course, the bits of drama that exploded was hillarious.
We were at Canteen @ PJ Trade Center (weird name, but beautiful building!!!) and moved onto desserts at TGIF.

Birthday Girl ... She look damn nice in this picture.

Me and my stare. Love the desserts thou!
Two of my favourite pictures:

Thursday night. Cannot believe I spent the night chatting away with them. Hmm. Yeap, post-dated post.
Back to studies. Listening to lecturer, writing notes, analyzing practical-theories and relating it to case studies could be very tiring for straight 6 hours in a row. The 30minutes break doesn't work. I really hope we will get classes that have more group discussions, group debates and perhaps some scene of cat fight to spice things up.
Lemongrassboy believe he will be watching TV series when it comes to Business Law unit.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I think I belong to Yellow.
It has been a pleasant day. After being crippled for the last 2 days, walking as if I gotten a stroke and recovering from muscle pain was the best thing that happened. I was more productive and walking wasn't as painful. Then having dinner and dessert with Mr. Watch, hearing him talk about Buddhism made things better. Life's all good ... all well and worth living through the hardship. The pain subsided ... but ...
What hurts me the most is watching this on youtube
I have chosen not to care about the foolishness of modern society and ignorance of people who act without consciousness but merely on ego, situational factors and pride. Good move by burning down one of the most memorable places I went to mend my broken heart - *sarcastically said!
Shame to all those who think their momentarily acts and cultures are to be compared to kings and deeds. Nothing in the world can explain destruction, tears, trauma and death that you have caused. To those dolphin killers, war starters, suicidal bombers, destructive rioters, propaganda spreaders and brainless people ... I pray that you either be born with a functional brain the next life, or born as the victim of your foolish acts.
Long live the City of smiles and your wonderful king!
What hurts me the most is watching this on youtube
I have chosen not to care about the foolishness of modern society and ignorance of people who act without consciousness but merely on ego, situational factors and pride. Good move by burning down one of the most memorable places I went to mend my broken heart - *sarcastically said!
Shame to all those who think their momentarily acts and cultures are to be compared to kings and deeds. Nothing in the world can explain destruction, tears, trauma and death that you have caused. To those dolphin killers, war starters, suicidal bombers, destructive rioters, propaganda spreaders and brainless people ... I pray that you either be born with a functional brain the next life, or born as the victim of your foolish acts.
Long live the City of smiles and your wonderful king!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
那些和日记一起收藏的 过往
我 学着坚强
那些和日记一起收藏的 过往
我 学着坚强
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Exam in 13 hours time. Hmm... I am a bit anxious because I did not really study, I am sensing a bad flu coming and also a bad headache. I begin to think that I am jinx everytime I have exam. Or maybe I am just stressed up, but honestly ... I am not stress about my upcoming exam. So I really do not know why ...
Deep down inside, I hope I get good grades for this unit's exam because I was off to a good start, where my team assignment have scored very well. It would utterly silly to have flung my exam and not get at least a Distinction...
Please please make sure I don't make silly mistakes like miscalculation and all.
Deep down inside, I hope I get good grades for this unit's exam because I was off to a good start, where my team assignment have scored very well. It would utterly silly to have flung my exam and not get at least a Distinction...
Please please make sure I don't make silly mistakes like miscalculation and all.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Dream oh Dream ... a Freaky one!
Was briefly woken up a while ago by this nightmare where I broke my own neck by falling off from a flight of stairs, then was crippled and locked in this huge, dark and mysterious mansion. It was so scary and I remember begging and screaming for help, directing all my tears to my mum. I do not know why, but I forced myself to wake up and I could feel myself drowning between the visions and my own bed.
I struggled to get myself awake and when I did, a huge surge of headache came. It was painful all right but my heart beat was racing. In sweat and watery eyes, I reminded myself that it was only a dream. Write it down quickly ... so here I am
Damn ...
The dream felt real. Very real, I remember the details so vividly that I can definitely turn my dream into a movie set. Probably with some storyline like Misery and bag an award or two for it. But why? Why did the dream came in such weird timing and with so much vision in it? The ironic thing is that mum is not even home at this hour ...
Is it some kind of sign? Some kind of premonition? Perhaps a long lost past that found its' way to my dream? Gosh, I am so superstitious ... sometimes I wish I had better dreams, like a 6 number kinda thinge...
And now I am afraid to sleep
I struggled to get myself awake and when I did, a huge surge of headache came. It was painful all right but my heart beat was racing. In sweat and watery eyes, I reminded myself that it was only a dream. Write it down quickly ... so here I am
Damn ...
The dream felt real. Very real, I remember the details so vividly that I can definitely turn my dream into a movie set. Probably with some storyline like Misery and bag an award or two for it. But why? Why did the dream came in such weird timing and with so much vision in it? The ironic thing is that mum is not even home at this hour ...
Is it some kind of sign? Some kind of premonition? Perhaps a long lost past that found its' way to my dream? Gosh, I am so superstitious ... sometimes I wish I had better dreams, like a 6 number kinda thinge...
And now I am afraid to sleep
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day Sunday!
Today's a good day, that's what I keep telling myself. Although I woke up and packed my days with activities, deep down inside ... I felt different. It was a kinda mixed feelings, hard to described and definitely weird.
That said, I had a great time. I only wished my weekends were longer. The only bad thing I could relate to a 9-5, Monday to Friday job is that it is very routine-based. And with me undertaking my MBA, I literally only have one and a quarter day of weekend. That's my life for now... or at least for the next year.
With my whining about life and also how I want to prioritize my own life (giving my own some time to chill and relax), I manage to do it today for a few hours at Starbucks. Although not home, not like what I dream ... it was suffice enough to keep me positive to celebrate and treat my Aunts, their families and my parents for dinner.
I managed to get my sister to email me some pictures from her iPhone, yeap ... I prefer to use her camera than my stupid camera phone. Anyway, here they are :
Not from my camera. But I did camera whore a bit, with my cousins laughing at me. Life's good so far. Hopefully better at work.
Happy Mother's Day! Hope you like the dinner and the Estee Lauder gift! I steal some to use ok! Hehe
That said, I had a great time. I only wished my weekends were longer. The only bad thing I could relate to a 9-5, Monday to Friday job is that it is very routine-based. And with me undertaking my MBA, I literally only have one and a quarter day of weekend. That's my life for now... or at least for the next year.
With my whining about life and also how I want to prioritize my own life (giving my own some time to chill and relax), I manage to do it today for a few hours at Starbucks. Although not home, not like what I dream ... it was suffice enough to keep me positive to celebrate and treat my Aunts, their families and my parents for dinner.
I managed to get my sister to email me some pictures from her iPhone, yeap ... I prefer to use her camera than my stupid camera phone. Anyway, here they are :
Not from my camera. But I did camera whore a bit, with my cousins laughing at me. Life's good so far. Hopefully better at work.
Happy Mother's Day! Hope you like the dinner and the Estee Lauder gift! I steal some to use ok! Hehe
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Old Town Review, Summit
Chances are worth giving. I had ban Old Town on my visit list for the past years, due to quality control and price hike in their small, limited and diluted drinks. Today, I had no other choice but to walk in one of their franchise, to be exact Summit. I was shocked to see it packed with humans at 11am! Since I need to quickly go online and Starbucks Summit is no longer operating, I decided to hop in the store. To my surprise, their quality had improvements. Their food are no longer distasteful and their drinks quite "kow" and "ori". Although the sweetness is still quite high, but I rather have some taste than just diluted ice in my coffee. So I guess, its worth to try again once a while. Old Town has my confident back and will consider visiting their outlets if I am in a good mood. Haha
Friday, May 7, 2010
Pieces of songs
They are not unkind, they just ...
Held it in, I never told you
Reason for tear drops on my guitar,
Tried sleeping with a broken heart
All the things we wanted
Standing ovation
and watch this life pass me by
Stop crying your heart out
It leads no where
Its personal, myself and I
All the memories now haunting
Just different faces, different place
I build myself up and fly around in circles
Need some shelter for my own protection
Taking chances
Life is so cruel ... walked out my my life
When there's no getting over that rainbow
Should I keep just chasing pavements?
It's time to be ...
I must go alone
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
*compiled from a series of songs ... if you can guess those lyrics, you will be able to piece me together.
Held it in, I never told you
Reason for tear drops on my guitar,
Tried sleeping with a broken heart
All the things we wanted
Standing ovation
and watch this life pass me by
Stop crying your heart out
It leads no where
Its personal, myself and I
All the memories now haunting
Just different faces, different place
I build myself up and fly around in circles
Need some shelter for my own protection
Taking chances
Life is so cruel ... walked out my my life
When there's no getting over that rainbow
Should I keep just chasing pavements?
It's time to be ...
I must go alone
Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
*compiled from a series of songs ... if you can guess those lyrics, you will be able to piece me together.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Careful, fragile post here
It's so hard to please everyone. Lately, after drowning myself in work and studies, only able to return to bed late, like today, has caused me something dearly. I believe I've lost a professional point of view at work and got a loud thud from my boss. Although it is in the form on an email, sent late at night ... the only missing factor about feeling bad, is how "loud" actually the "word of caution" was from my boss.
In simple words, I was told not to be nossy and was in no position to comment on an actual problem at work. Sigh, I guess I am just an empty vessel manager afterall. Even with constructive commentaries, suggestions and repeatably hammering myself at work did not do any good. The fact that my boss did not openly sound me was only because he is a Caucasian and that is not the way he worked. Emails best!
Well, I guess I am just a nobody. Abandonment, relinquishing of voice to concern and suggest, home pollutions, pessimism tolled, repeated high frequency of clumsy trails and getting stuck in my studies had broken me into pieces... I am up to my nose, barely breathing and beginning to feel a nervous breakdown.
Shall keep my mouth shut and just let the world around me go spinning around. I don't think anyone cares anyway.
In simple words, I was told not to be nossy and was in no position to comment on an actual problem at work. Sigh, I guess I am just an empty vessel manager afterall. Even with constructive commentaries, suggestions and repeatably hammering myself at work did not do any good. The fact that my boss did not openly sound me was only because he is a Caucasian and that is not the way he worked. Emails best!
Well, I guess I am just a nobody. Abandonment, relinquishing of voice to concern and suggest, home pollutions, pessimism tolled, repeated high frequency of clumsy trails and getting stuck in my studies had broken me into pieces... I am up to my nose, barely breathing and beginning to feel a nervous breakdown.
Shall keep my mouth shut and just let the world around me go spinning around. I don't think anyone cares anyway.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Never be the same
My heart still pumps so quickly when I hear him. WHY why WHY?
Partying and kareokeing in office. Katy Perry and Timbaland in the house!!! WOO HOO ~ Time to destress since we both are OTing ... and looking forward for a very busy, hectic and interesting month.
Partying and kareokeing in office. Katy Perry and Timbaland in the house!!! WOO HOO ~ Time to destress since we both are OTing ... and looking forward for a very busy, hectic and interesting month.
The power of contacts
I love looking at the time now. It's been so long since I last owned a watch. My last watch was back in Melbourne and by accident, owning a Fossil. Yeap, high price to pay when you are in another country (especially one with higher exchange rate) and I so need to get the watch, fearing that the collection is not in Malaysia. That story aside,
Today.... I got myself a very good bargain. Not only the bargain was good. The watch I bought was marvelous, stunning and awesomely beautiful. Been to a few stores, and they all do not have it. The more it was out of stock, the more I anticipate trying it on.
After seeing it in the catalog and searching high-low for it, I finally found it sitting at Cortina @ Starhill! I love it and my disturbing wrist always have a bad way with watches but with this one, it sits like an ANGEL on Madonna's Rock! The salesman was also very patient and friendly despite the way I was dress. One word : simple.
Mr Watch was with me and he was so attentive in explaining the pros of getting the watch. ALL the details was properly transcend to me, from technical specs, aesthetic specs, financial benefits, brand quality, industry presence, acknowledgments of ownership and so much more. Although most of the time, my mind was only focusing on bonding with the watch via all my senses, touch, feel, sight, hearing the ticks (except actually tasting it) ...
The moment the price was mentioned, and how Mr Watch's connection and good contact-point with Cortina, they reduced the retail price and a further deduction was given for a good omen ("feng shui reasons") for beginners like me ... I said "I'll have it"
Mr Watch snickered, pat on my shoulder and said, welcome to the world of premium watches. For an entry level, that is a very good start at your age.
It's not something big, definitely not one of those "hard-to-pronounce" watch brands... but the Tissot I gotten, is good enough for me to drool in my sleep tonight. Time to slash another item off my wish list ... yahoo wee!
Today.... I got myself a very good bargain. Not only the bargain was good. The watch I bought was marvelous, stunning and awesomely beautiful. Been to a few stores, and they all do not have it. The more it was out of stock, the more I anticipate trying it on.
After seeing it in the catalog and searching high-low for it, I finally found it sitting at Cortina @ Starhill! I love it and my disturbing wrist always have a bad way with watches but with this one, it sits like an ANGEL on Madonna's Rock! The salesman was also very patient and friendly despite the way I was dress. One word : simple.
Mr Watch was with me and he was so attentive in explaining the pros of getting the watch. ALL the details was properly transcend to me, from technical specs, aesthetic specs, financial benefits, brand quality, industry presence, acknowledgments of ownership and so much more. Although most of the time, my mind was only focusing on bonding with the watch via all my senses, touch, feel, sight, hearing the ticks (except actually tasting it) ...
The moment the price was mentioned, and how Mr Watch's connection and good contact-point with Cortina, they reduced the retail price and a further deduction was given for a good omen ("feng shui reasons") for beginners like me ... I said "I'll have it"
Mr Watch snickered, pat on my shoulder and said, welcome to the world of premium watches. For an entry level, that is a very good start at your age.
It's not something big, definitely not one of those "hard-to-pronounce" watch brands... but the Tissot I gotten, is good enough for me to drool in my sleep tonight. Time to slash another item off my wish list ... yahoo wee!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Happy Labour Day 2010
Happy Labour Day to all the workers out there!
Skipping party tonight. Seem like a great nite to party, with most Malaysians finishing filing their tax returns, get paid and to top-it-up after rain, public holiday and some "theme-based" thinge going on. Well, I am going to pass for tonight mainly because the entrance fee is absurd! RM50 for one drink of beer and most likely bad music. Of course, a bunch of close friends definitely help lift up the atmosphere and affordable-properly made-alcohol drinks will send you shooting clouds.
Do not know why I am blogging about this anyway. Crap. LOL
Will hit the bed earlier I suppose, and go temple instead tomorrow. Haha. Domesticated nya I !
Skipping party tonight. Seem like a great nite to party, with most Malaysians finishing filing their tax returns, get paid and to top-it-up after rain, public holiday and some "theme-based" thinge going on. Well, I am going to pass for tonight mainly because the entrance fee is absurd! RM50 for one drink of beer and most likely bad music. Of course, a bunch of close friends definitely help lift up the atmosphere and affordable-properly made-alcohol drinks will send you shooting clouds.
Do not know why I am blogging about this anyway. Crap. LOL
Will hit the bed earlier I suppose, and go temple instead tomorrow. Haha. Domesticated nya I !
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