Friday, September 18, 2009

It's finally here - the big three letter word

Can you believe it? I am getting homework already. Gosh, I missed that word! Perhaps when the stress and mental block starts happening, I would said otherwise.

Today's post will be on informing everyone that I am finally starting, or should I say ... erm, commencing my MBA studies next week! With my lack of working experience and self-analyzed poor writing skills - I am quite sure it would be a challenge. Not that I am complaining because I finally got accepted by the Uni. Being me, unnecessary stess is vital for survival. So here I am being afraid not able to contribute with proactive ideas, examples and worse of all - case studies! WHAT IF I FLUNG MY FIRST DISCUSSION?

I started reading the Blackboard posts, an online portal and virtual studies created by Sunway Uni for MBA takers, and literally find myself going bonkers on the notes, presentations samples, arguements and also business jargons. Yes! THEY DO HAVE BUSINESS JARGONS!

Here I sit thinking, what the heck is MGB? And then I found out it is called; Mutual Gains Bargaining ... question mark ... question mark. After reading the lines for two time, it can be sumarised as a kinda strategy used to negotiate gains for merges, promotions, etc ... And that's just one line out of the 20 pages of jargons for a week. One subject command 6 weeks of learning, that would be erm ... 120 pages of reading just on discussions.

And I read from the student counselor email that recommended readings and text books will be distributed later when class commence...

No wonder people say MBA no life! Die la ... DIE LA ...

Well ... I do like something thou. The blackboard is really a fun portal to be in. It's like Facebook, except with a more conventional look, more restrictions and less networking. Cool gadget thou, works the same just like Deakin's online study facility.

*Deep Breath*

What the heck is STS?

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