1 hour has past since the everso drama me who alerted my friends on MSN about the earhquake! Some call me emergency journalist! HAHAHA
Anyway, i am sure i am doing FAR a better job than the STUPID Msia's TV channel! The TV should like be on red alert to broadcast news about the event! I mean we did felt it!
When i turn on the Tv - This is what i got:
TV2 - TUT TUT TUT indicating the channel is asleep!
TV3 - NBA ball game!
I gave up on the others
my expression was -_-"'
Then i went online CNN.com already has a front cover news on the website
Msia website! The Star has this - New Salary Scheme for Nurse!
I was like -_-"'
Utusan Malaysia - Penganting baru mengadu isteri dilarikan bomoh!
I was like -_-"'
News Strait Times - Snatch Thief down 16.7% last year
I was like -_-"'
I gave up! Lets put it this way when an atomic bomb is heading towards Malaysia - we will all DIE! If the US lauched it, i am gurantee CNN wont broadcast it and within perhaps 2 hours, i suppose Malaysia will be like the outback. I understand our media is dependent on other news channel but HELLO -MOVE A LIL FASTER HERE!
I mean this is how slow our media is. I suppose most our media is just - i would say it - developing just like our country, slowly that is!
I told a friend in Penang- Dont worry Government will take care of us
His reply:
"If the government would take care of us, it would be after the tragedy!"...