Saturday, February 21, 2009

I sue you, you sue me

Today, I read the newspaper and found tons of articles about the Malaysian term used above. Almost 80% of the first 20 pages (minus 10 page of full page advertisements) are filled with our elected leaders (or the opposition) filing suit against each other. Try flipping today's newspaper; dated 21 Feb 2009 The Star and you might just think that you bought one of the local law magazine.

Person A file suit against defamation. Person B appeal to justice court about case. Lawyer C question court. Suspension, report, police, warning, review ... gosh ... the never ending story of battles.

I dream the day that I opened my newspaper and find articles about how the people feel proud of this gov project, how the gov was transparent about this and the people compliments them, how the gov has eradicate poverty and corruption rather than reading how the media dramatize or sensationalize our political field. Seriously, this is not some Bollywood movie or Hong Kong drama series.


Conclusion, our political field is so hilarious and a total waste of time. Those who spend hours following our country's political agenda should change to cartoon network, which I believe is far more interesting and educational.

The writer swore not to waste 30minutes of his life reading the main paper in the future and shall divert all his reading time to blogging

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