Friday, April 15, 2005


andrewkin blogspot is currently on renovations

i felt like a loser after seeing everyone's blog looked like their private diary
while mine is just plain and dumb! sigh* i suppose i need to upgrade :-P

went out with muah bunch of bitches! hahaha
watched hitch - my rating out of 10 for that movie would be 7
funny and quite down to earth
*man i love the sony electronics*


i finally saw a small wallet that i can put muah coins and still look small and sleek! man - that wallet was so cool! even muah bitches said it was cun! too bad i cant get it - price tat is although it is not tat expensive but ya - no la!

well, thats for today. u wont get to see my comments for some time - thanks anyway for reading

1 comment:

  1. no la... its not plain. it's standard, and standard/original is cool... yeah anyway i'm sure we'll all see the great change soon *wink wink*
